Thinner Products

Thinners are basically a group of solvents blended together that provides the ability to dissolve and thin oil-based paints. It reduces the viscosity of the paint thus allowing for a better finish. They can also be used for cleaning applications.

T777 is our general purpose thinner catered for household and DIY usage.

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Thinners are basically a group of solvents blended together that provides the ability to dissolve and thin oil-based paints. It reduces the viscosity of the paint thus allowing for a better finish. They can also be used for cleaning applications.

T602 is a lacquer thinner. Lacquer thinner is more powerful than paint thinner and can often times damage plastic and rubber.

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Thinners are basically a group of solvents blended together that provides the ability to dissolve and thin oil-based paints. It reduces the viscosity of the paint thus allowing for a better finish. They can also be used for cleaning applications.

T603 is our high quality lacquer thinner.

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Turpentine is a generally used as a solvent in paint thinner and varnishes. It is likewise used to clean paint off most surfaces.

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A combination of slow-evaporating solvents is called ''thinner retarder,'' and it is used to slow down the pace at which any kind of thinner evaporates. Spraying acrylic paints and clears will take longer to dry when using this retarder. To slow down your mixture, add no more than 10%.

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Thinners are basically a group of solvents blended together that provides the ability to dissolve and thin oil-based paints. It reduces the viscosity of the paint thus allowing for a better finish. They can also be used for cleaning applications.

T500 is our best seller for washing thinner.

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